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Dance With KAC!
KAC offers dance class series throughout the year that are open to any and all who want to incorporate the art of dance into their lifestyle.
Afro Cuban Dance
in St. Louis!
FRI, Nov 1
7PM - 8:15PM
SAT, Nov 2
11AM - 12:15PM
SUN, Nov 3
11AM - 12:15PM
500 N Grand Blvd, St. Louis 63103
Register now for this special weekend in St. Louis with Andrea Peoples!
We will explore the rich musical culture of the Afro Cuban folkloric dances. Be prepared to dance barefoot, and bring a circle skirt.

Choose from the options below to register NOW!
Upon purchase, please retain your email confirmation in order to present it as proof of purchase at class entry.

We offer cultural dance and drum classes in African, Modern, and Afro Cuban techniques, with a mission to build healthy communities by promoting fitness, cultural awareness, and self-acceptance.
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